a transmission

— access your Inner Healer + receive medicine from the quantum Holy Fire.

a channelled transmission guiding you into you inner healing temple ~ bringing you into direct experience with the innate intelligence of your natural healing state. 

supported by your ancestors + guides, as well as the healing properties of the quantum holy fire. this clearing energy supports transformation and transmutation.

This transmission is channelled through the Akashic Records for all those who have been called to receive it. 

Sacred space is initiated through opening the connection to the quantum field + calling in your guides, spirit team and the wisdom of your ancestors to support you in this healing.

a timeless offering you can return over and over to support your wellbeing + inner peace.

your guide


Joanna is highly skilled Transformational Guide + Facilitator, offering her clients a unique blend of therapeutic mentorship, energy mapping + channelled Akashic wisdom to support the journey of returning home to wholeness. She walks in deep devotion to mystical and ancient wisdoms, and skillfully weaves them together with Somatic therapies and nervous system healing. Joanna is a gifted space holder and is on a sacred mission to empower and support her clients in resourcing themselves, leaning into self-trust + soul alignment; and from this place co-creating a life filled with possibility.